Are Plastic Reusable Containers in supermarkets completely safe for storing food during a pandemic?
Cleanliness is next to godliness. This universal truth we all have to take into consideration in any sphere of our lives, from private houses up to any public place especially when it comes to food. This means that any surface that contacts with alimentary goods should be extra protected. The same is true also for various plastic storage boxes in our supermarkets. Let’s try to answer the most popular questions on reusable packaging in stores that are heard today.
Should Grocery Stores Perform Any Special Cleaning Procedures because of the Coronavirus Disease?
This question seems difficult but we believe that the answer is much simpler though there are many people who would disagree with it. No, they shouldn’t. It is critical for grocery stores to maintain the strictest cleanliness and follow a cleaning checklist no matter if we are stricken with a pandemic or not. Even more, all these plastic bins and reusable plastic pallets must be washed and disinfected with all possible attention to be transmission-free without any threat of a pandemic.
Our opinion is shared by the expert of the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention who state on their website that “because of the poor survivability of these coronaviruses on surfaces, there is likely a very low risk of spread from food products or packaging.” Intense and scrupulous disinfection can help to turn any polymeric box into an absolutely safe one.
That’s true that the pandemic has changed the grocery consumer expectations. But the safety habits should be formed regardless of harsh penalties for breaking them. WELL PACK always insists on meeting the highest industry standards providing washing service to our clients.
Are Reusable Plastic Containers Safe for Food?
In Europe, around 40% of plastics are used for packaging. But sometimes brand owners and consumers don’t trust the reusable crates. They are afraid that products, especially without an individual wrap, cannot be safe in a pallet box that was used several times for various goods before no matter how carefully it is washed after each use. They believe that water and abstergents spoil polymeric materials. But this is a kind of superstition. Numerous studies prove that neither physical nor chemical characteristics of recyclable plastics are significantly influenced by repeated washing.
A category of strongly flavored products seems to stand out. It is difficult to imagine a fish box used then for pastries delivery. Fish flavor may likely be carried over to its new content and it may become a serious issue. Only a high-quality pallet washing service can help to get rid of it though it is recommended to avoid such extreme variability of contents.
There are certain risks of the improper tray wash if it is conducted by a retailer. They may lack appropriate equipment, skills, or extra space and time for such activities. This problem is solved by third-party companies that specialize in washing solutions and are able to provide the best possible results. WELL PACK is such a company that takes responsibilities and helps business owners to eliminate the risks of food contamination in their stores.
Can Polymeric Boxes Absorb Hazardous Substances?
Each nondisposable container can be used over 20 times during its lifecycle. Sometimes consumers are afraid that they are able to absorb harmful substances and spoil food that will be put into them.
But such bias has been refuted by numerous tests. For example, one of them was conducted with PET refillable bottles. They were filled with toxic substances, and then these contents were removed. The bottles were washed carefully and filled with meal. The analysis of this meal proved that it is absolutely safe for people and free from any toxic additives. None of the test substances was absorbed into the bowl itself.
The Bottom Line
RPC used in supermarkets can be absolutely safe for contents if carefully washed. Their cleanliness depends on various factors, such as the quality of detergents, modern washing systems, and experienced workers. If these requirements are met, the best result can be expected. That is why the retailer had better delegate these duties to specialists who do washing their core busi
TAGS: #Ecology #RPC crates #RPC Washing